
The Benefit of DEXIS CariVu

Ever wonder what the wand-like tool does at the clinic?  It…
July 22, 2015/by Victoria Dental Experts, Vancouver Island

Seven Summer Foods to Keep your Teeth Healthy

With the sun out and shining there's not a better time to be…
July 10, 2015/by Victoria Dental Experts, Vancouver Island

Six Ways to Prepare Your Child for a Dentist Appointment

Every parent is anxious when it comes to taking their child to…
June 5, 2015/by Victoria Dental Experts, Vancouver Island

How Dentist Appointments Can Be Fun – Even for Kids!

Look mom, no new decay!  One of our young nine year-old clients wanted…
May 29, 2015/by Victoria Dental Experts, Vancouver Island

Technology at Sunny Tatra: OraVerse

In Part III of Technology at Sunny Tatra we profile OraVerse,…
February 9, 2015/by Victoria Dental Experts, Vancouver Island

#SunnyTatra February Contest

We have returned with another contest - this time, enter…
February 5, 2015/by Experts, Vancouver Island Victoria Dental

Dr. Sunny Tatra’s #NewYearNewYou Contest

Start your year off right with a chance to win a Philips…
January 9, 2015/by Experts, Vancouver Island Victoria Dental

Human Papillomavirus and Cancer Screening

Oral cancer is on the rise in North America, and not only for…
December 5, 2014/by Victoria Dental Experts, Vancouver Island

Oral Health in the Winter

As winter approaches, it is important to maintain your oral health.…
November 14, 2014/by Victoria Dental Experts, Vancouver Island

Technology at Sunny Tatra: Identafi

In Part II of Technology at Sunny Tatra we profile Identafi,…
November 1, 2014/by Victoria Dental Experts, Vancouver Island

Technology at Sunny Tatra: DEXIS CariVu

Dr. Sunny Tatra continues to be committed to providing his clients…
October 28, 2014/by Victoria Dental Experts, Vancouver Island

Protecting Your Teeth from Fruit

Fruit serves as a delicious and refreshing treat while also providing…
July 25, 2014/by Victoria Dental Experts, Vancouver Island